Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Retouch I found with a bonus tut.

Heres the link to a really good retouch i found.

Okay, as you can tell(by the link hopefully) i didnt do this, but i can explain the basics to how to do a retouch like this.

1.Remember, always work in layers!! Its alot easier to delete and edit things that way.
2.Edit the brightness and contrast to make it brighter, on the older versions of pse the contrast is crazy weird but on the newer ones it is alot better!
Using the eyedropper tool select the skin color, and in a new layer go over the face, then lower the opacity so it is mainly transparent but you can still see the diff. That will fix most of the skin problems.
3. For eyeshadow(IN A NEW LAYER, get the skin color of her with the eyedropper, then change the hue by sliding

4. Draw over the places you want the eyeshadow then experiment between the settings hue, color, and soft light.

Mid tones and highlights in the burn tool work best for the eyeliner and use highlights in the dodge section for the eyes to make them brighter. I have a tut. on how to put things in backgrounds and reference that if you want to.

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