Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to shapen a blurry photo

This is something that will always come in handy. I will show you how to fix the detial/sharpen your photo.

1. Open you photo into photoshop (ctrl O)
2. Create a duplicate layer (in some versions ctrl j)
3. Go to you filter pallete, under stylize click emboss
4. Now you should be in the emboss window. We will change some of the settings here
The angle should be at 135
The height should be anywhere from 4-6 (for most photos)
Then Amount should be somewhere in the low 120's such as 122(for most pics)
Your not done here so its gonna look wierd so far
5. After hitting okay, you should draw your attention to the layers pallete. Where it says normal(also known as the blending mode) click the arrow.
6. Change the setting there to overlay
7. This step isnt necesary: you can see how well it was done by making that layer unvisible(clicking the little eye next to the thumbnail on the layer pallate) remember to make it visible again
8. Flatten the image go to layer->flatten image
9. save (ctrl S)

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